QNA > S > La Menta Deve Stare Alla Luce Diretta Del Sole?

La menta deve stare alla luce diretta del sole?


In direct sunlight, a plant will get the entire spectrum of light that the sun has to offer it. In reflected light from a mirror, the plant will get less light (percentages will vary with the type and angle of the mirror). Also, the plant will not get that reflected sunlight hitting it at all of the angles that direct sunlight would do.

Depending upon the species of plant and the amount, angle, duration, and intensity of the light reflected off the mirror, the plant (provided that all of its other needs are being met) could either thrive (some direct-sun loving plants) or perish (some shade-loving plants) because of that reflected light.

Here are a couple of articles that explain it more in depth:

La luce solare riflessa ha lo stesso effetto del sole diretto?

Come usare la luce riflessa per aumentare la produzione di cibo indoor - Blog

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Perché i semi e le piante di marijuana oggi hanno un aspetto così drasticamente diverso da quello che avevano anni fa? È ancora tecnicamente marijuana? - Cannagrow :: Perché alla gente piacciono i cactus?
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