QNA > W > Quale Zona Riceve I Raggi Obliqui Del Sole?

Quale zona riceve i raggi obliqui del sole?

Porcia Dupree

Quale zona riceve i raggi obliqui del sole?

Da nessuna parte, i 'raggi' del Sole sono paralleli, non importa dove ti trovi nel sistema solare.


Since Earth is nearly spherical and it's axis is tilted 23.5° from the plane of its orbit around the Sun, the sun’s rays strike the surface at different angles in different regions depending on the latitude of the region. The higher the latitude, the less is the angle that the sun's rays make with the surface of the earth. Hence, the polar regions receive slanting rays of sunlight.


Image courtesy of: seasons-and-the-angle-of-the-suns-rays

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