Come tenere i cervi lontani dalle rose
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Penso che avrai bisogno di una barriera fisica come un recinto. Nella mia esperienza, gli animali da pascolo e da passeggio amano le rose e molte altre piante con le spine. È abbastanza ovvio se ci pensi. Le piante che hanno un cattivo sapore non hanno bisogno di evolvere un deterrente come le spine o i pungiglioni. I cavalli e le mucche le amano, quindi immagino anche i cervi.
Protect Your Roses from Deer
Deer love roses. So what’s a gardener to do? One Oregon man discovered the perfect solution.
In north central Oregon, where summer temperatures can reach 100 and winter weather dips to a bone-chilling 10 degrees, Jon Dunagan found a way to stave off voracious deer, even though his home is remote, forested, and a deer Mecca. To discourage their feasting, Jon uses a mixture that has his fleet-footed neighbors browsing elsewhere.
Tender young buds and luscious new growth draw deer to the banquet of 150 rose bushes (most came from Heirloom Roses) surrounding the Dunagan home, but they don’t eat.
Secret to Success
As a nature lover, Jon would not harm the deer, but they find his organic concoction detestable. “Watching from my window, they slowly approach,” he says. “One whiff and they jump back, meander off, and search for alternative nourishment.”
Organic Deer Repellent Recipe
Mix the following ingredients in a blender:
Pour into a gallon tank sprayer and fill with water. Spray thoroughly once a week. As an additional deterrent, you may add a cube of beef bullion (since deer do not like meat) but this is usually unnecessary.
This mixture does not hurt roses and Jon reports that it has never hurt any other plant that he has sprayed it on. Be sure to wear gloves and goggles when applying this mixture.