QNA > H > Come Affrontare Il Mio Paese Di Merda

Come affrontare il mio paese di merda

Lottie Rycroft

Wow! That bad huh?

Let me say this. Everyone hates their country at some point. It is human.

The only thing I can say is find a way to make as much money as possible if you don't have it already. Then live as best as you can. Good food, good friends and good family. Do as many things that make you happy as you can. Find that spot that makes you happy and try to stay there as much as possible.

All countries are run by just people that do self serving things for themselves. I say this all the time. We need another 4000 years. Schedule your comeback for then. The world will be a better place by then.

If you give up, that's a very sad place to be.


I miei nonni, e un altro bisnonno, si sono trasferiti negli Stati Uniti. Allora vivevano in appartamenti a tre piani e lavoravano in fabbriche tessili. Un sacco di lavoro duro. (Il loro paese d'origine aveva una storia triste e travagliata.) Poi il figlio del bisnonno era nell'esercito americano ed è stato ucciso in guerra, niente è facile.

Quindi, in conclusione, forse si può considerare l'immigrazione?

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