QNA > I > Il Miglio Fa Bene Ai Diabetici?

Il miglio fa bene ai diabetici?


Could one humble grain help you control your diabetes?

Millet, an ancient cereal grain, has gained popularity for its high nutritional content and its potential to prevent diseases. Millet has become such an it food that it's earned the nickname, the new quinoa.

Millet is actually a group of grasses with small seeds grown mainly in Asia and Africa. It's been around for thousands of years. Millet has a hearty nature, which helps it survive in dry climates.

Compared to other cereal grains like wheat, rice, and corn, millet has loads of nutrition. It's high in:

  • Fiber
  • Protein
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Antioxidants

Millet is lower on the glycemic index (GI) than many other grains. That means it raises your blood sugar slowly and gradually instead of in quick spikes. High-fiber, low-GI foods keep blood sugar steady, lower cholesterol, and help you lose weight. All of these things are helpful for people with diabetes.

How Millet Affects Blood Sugar

Millet is a whole grain. That means it still has its outer layers, the bran and germ. Food companies strip away these layers to make refined grains like white flour. Because it takes your body longer to digest whole grains, they don't raise your blood sugar as quickly as refined grains do.

There are different types of millet, including:

  • Foxtail
  • Pearl
  • Finger
  • Little

How to treat diabetes - click here to read


Il diabete è una condizione in cui il corpo non produce abbastanza insulina o non usa in modo efficiente l'insulina. Questo può aumentare il livello di glucosio nel sangue, o zucchero nel sangue, e portare a complicazioni pericolose se non trattate.

Siccome il diabete colpisce lo zucchero nel sangue, c'è la convinzione che le persone con diabete non possano mangiare zucchero o carboidrati come il miglio.

Ma se è vero che le persone che vivono con il diabete devono essere più consapevoli della loro assunzione di carboidrati per gestire la glicemia, i carboidrati buoni (in particolare i carboidrati complessi) possono anche aiutare a gestire i sintomi del diabete.

Il miglio, e altri carboidrati integrali, sono ricchi di fibre, minerali e vitamine. They should be included in your diet if you have diabetes.

Here’s a look at why millet is good for people with diabetes, as well as tips for eating healthy with this condition.

Can I eat millet?

The short answer is yes.

Millet is a group of small-seeded grains resembling small pearls. In the United States, some people haven’t heard of millet, yet it’s a staple in many parts of the world. It’s commonly included in Indian and African dishes.

how to quickly treat diabetes - click here to read

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