QNA > D > Le Piante Assorbono L'acqua Attraverso Le Loro Foglie?

Le piante assorbono l'acqua attraverso le loro foglie?


Yes, they do. Due largely to the epidermal layer, the absorption vs. roots is much worse, but it still works (not unlike our own skin).

My personal experience with this has been doing tissue culture. The images below aren't mine, but it's very similar to what I do. You can take the midveins of leaves, grow them on media with hormones, and they will grow shoots and roots (i.e. form a new plant). Obviously, all the nutrients are observed through the leaves in this case. I assume most of it is passive (diffusion/osmosis).


Purdue Forestry and Natural Resources

For another answer from the web see this discussion:
Le piante possono assorbire l'acqua attraverso le foglie? Alcune piante prendono l'acqua solo dalle foglie.


Le epifite in generale, che descrive anche i muschi che non hanno radici, assorbono l'acqua e la maggior parte delle loro sostanze nutritive attraverso le loro foglie.

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