QNA > H > Come Sbarazzarsi Di Un Grande Formicaio

Come sbarazzarsi di un grande formicaio

Brien Gregoria

Bombs away!

I’m reading these boring answers and realized pretty quick none of the answered grew up in the south. They make getting rid of the mounds sound like a chore, when I’m reality it was one of the few entertainment choices a country boy had.

Here’s a few helpful hints to make this as fun as possible.

  1. Firecrackers. Poked into the mound, do it until it looks like your grannies birthday cake. Them get to lighting them. Now the ants don’t like this and you WILL get bit. But all in all it’s a nice way to spend a lazy afternoon
  2. Gasoline. This is another good one and can be employed in a lot of interesting ways. A hole in the top with a quart poured in? Fucking Krakatoa! Also AROUND the Mound is pretty sweet. Make a big fiery moat they can’t escape from. Bonus points for soaking the entire mound in gas then shooting at it with bottle rockets from a safe distance. (5 feet is not a safe distance. I learned that the hard way)
  3. Air strike. Nothing smells as good as napalm in the morning. A handy substitute is just lighting a big chunk of styrofoam and kicking the mound open then letting the burning blobs incinerate the little bastards. You can make great napalm by dissolving styrofoam in gas until you get a nice sticky goop. A little squirt of dishwashing liquid in there ups the ante. (Careful with that, never used it without hurting myself)
  4. More on fireworks. Put bottle rockets in the mound and when is covered with the little astronauts lit ‘em ip and send them into orbit. Roman candles are cool too, both as a flaming attack from a distance or lit and shoved balls first into the hill. Fairly spectacular means of destruction.
  5. Never done this one, but if you melt aluminum and pour it through a hole at the top you can make some kick ass metal sculptures. Looks like trees. Google it, it’s pretty interesting.
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