QNA > D > Pensi Che L'ia Prenderà Il Tuo Lavoro?

Pensi che l'IA prenderà il tuo lavoro?


They already are…look at a modern car factory and compare it to a car factory from the 1960’s.

Nearly all technologies destroy some jobs.

The example I’ve been using recently is that in prehistoric times, we made knives and arrowhead by chipping away at a lump of rock. That must have been a highly skilled job - but when metalworking was discovered and we could mass-produce arrowheads from bronze - all of those exquisite craftsmen would have lost their jobs.

  • Personal computers obsoleted secretaries and typing pools.
  • Email reduced the need for postmen.
  • Cars reduced the number of jobs for blacksmiths.
  • Refrigerators killed the ice-delivery business.
  • Steam engines killed the sail-maker’s business.
  • Solar panels and wind turbines are gradually killing the coal miner’s business.
  • Electric cars will put oil-change businesses out of business.

…you’re hard-pushed to find ANYTHING that didn’t cost at least some jobs.


So - we can say, with some degree of confidence - that jobs will be lost.

And just like all of those other times when new technology appeared, somehow the general unemployment rate doesn’t change by any measurable degree.

This is a necessary part of human society because our big brains drive us to higher and higher levels of technological advancement.


No. Starà lì a non fare assolutamente nulla. Questo fino a quando qualche manager non deciderà di accenderla e fare il lavoro che facevate voi. Non è l'IA che vi ruba il lavoro, è l'uomo che accende la macchina. E può farlo facilmente perché in America ci sono pochi diritti per la maggior parte dei lavoratori perché i repubblicani li hanno scaricati. Quindi forse si può dire che il GOP vi ha portato via il lavoro.

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