QNA > I > Piantare Una Varietà Di Bulbi Primaverili Fa Bene All'ambiente E Ai Bombi?

Piantare una varietà di bulbi primaverili fa bene all'ambiente e ai bombi?

Bandur Shackford

Not really, if you mean “spring bulbs” in the traditional sense—daffs, tulips, etc. The US is the largest importer of spring bulbs, that means they travel quite a distance to reach you which means fossil fuel waste, extra packaging, and the possibility of introducing invasive insects into the country.

Some spring bulbs are also invasive, quickly spreading & reducing habitat for local natives. Insects & animals living in the area are used to specific plants, using them as sources of food, hiding, hunting, and shelter. Fancy imported bulbs may not provide the proper environment for this.

Early bulbs do provide nectar for bees (and humans love seeing flowers and an end to winter). However, planting native spring bulbs can be a better thing. From Virginia Bluebells to Claytonia, you can find options that are better adapted to your area. Check with a local, reputable nursery.

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