Cos'è un seme di senape e di che dimensioni è?
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it’s the egg of a mustard plant and the size, And Flavor, varies according to the species and the growing conditions of the plant itself.
Ahhh…. “Recent research has studied varieties of mustards with high oil contents for use in the production of biodiesel, a renewable liquid fuel similar to diesel fuel. The biodiesel made from mustard oil has good flow properties and cetane ratings. The leftover meal after pressing out the oil has also been found to be an effective pesticide.” so THAT’S the interest….
OK. Mustard Oil Biodiesel “Yellow mustard is closely related to both canola (a Canadian hybrid) and rape. The advantage of growing mustard to make biodiesel is that the meal is a biopesticide that can be used on Organic farms. Non è proprio un seme oleoso comune per il biodiesel poiché la farina contiene glucosinolati.
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