QNA > W > Dove Jimmy Page Ha Incontrato Robert Plant?

Dove Jimmy Page ha incontrato Robert Plant?


In the Spring of 1968 the Yardbirds were breaking up and Jimmy Page was looking to form a new band calling it The New Yardbirds.

The first order of business was to find a singer. The Small Faces’ Steve Marriott was a leading contender, but his manager put the kibosh on that idea, threatening bodily harm to Page if he pursued him any further. Terry Reid, the former singer of the Jaywalkers, and another Mickie Most disciple, was another contender who begged off, but not before recommending a 19-year-old up-and-comer from the Midlands named Robert Plant, who was then fronting a group named Hobstweedle. Page and Grant made the trek north to watch this prospect for themselves.

“[They] were playing at a teacher’s training college outside of Birmingham to an audience of about twelve people,” Page recalled in the Led Zeppelin oral history Trampled Underfoot. “Robert was fantastic and having heard him that night and having listened to a demo he had given me, I realized that without a doubt his voice had an exceptional and very distinctive quality.”

All that was left was to see if this leonine wailer could get on board with the direction Page wanted to go. Page invited Plant to his boathouse on the Thames, and they spent the afternoon talking about music and playing records. In a serendipitous moment, they put on Joan Baez’s “Babe I’m Gonna Leave You,” and excitedly talked about how they could rearrange the song and blow it out. (The cover would appear on the band’s 1969 debut.) Plant was definitely in, but little did Page know at the time that the singer also came with an added bonus……

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