QNA > W > Qual È La Tua Recensione Di Guava?

Qual è la tua recensione di Guava?


Guavas are well known to be one of the best fruit well known for being filled with many healthy nutrients that are required by the body to stay healthy and fit.


  1. It is well known to support healthier ways to lose weight.
  2. Helps with increasing the metabolism rate of the body.
  3. Well known for being rich source of Fibers, also they are known for being high in roughage.
  4. They are a rich source of Vitamins, Proteins, and minerals and are known to have no cholesterol and very low in carbohydrates.
  5. It can help one to fight from diabetes.
  6. Helps with improving their eye sight.
  7. Prevents one from various types of cancers.
  8. Can help one in treating scurvy.
  9. They are best for treating diarrhea and dysentery.
  10. Can help in treating constipation.
Sheaff Dupree

Guava is very healthy like all other fruits.

Health Benefits of Guava.

  1. Anti-ageing Benefits.
  2. Good for Your Brain Health.
  3. Lowers Cholesterol Level.
  4. Increases Blood Production.
  5. Improves Eyesight.
  6. Lowers Diabetes Risk and Cleaned System.
  7. Good for Pregnant Women.
  8. Treats Cough and Cold.
  9. Good for Thyroid Health.
  10. Guava Acts as a Nervous Relaxant.
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Che tipo di foglie ha la guava, monocotiledoni o dicotiledoni? :: Quali sono alcuni fatti sorprendenti sulla guava?
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