QNA > W > Qual È Un Frutto E Una Verdura Che Inizia Con E, V, U, X, Y E Z?

Qual è un frutto e una verdura che inizia con E, V, U, X, Y e Z?


Non essendoci una parola, tanto meno un frutto o una verdura che inizi con e, v, u, x, y e z non posso rispondere. Il mio unico suggerimento è di riformulare la domanda in modo da permettere una risposta.



Well there are Fruits and vegetables with suggested words , but they are not common throughout the world. Most of them are specific to their regions so their names are not heard much. Do find the list as below.

Fruit with Alphabet E are as follows

  • Elderberry
  • Eggfruit
  • Evergreen huckleberyy
  • Emu Apples
  • Emblic
  • Entawak

Vegetables with E

  • Elephant foot yam.
  • Elephant garlic.

Fruit with Alphabet V are

  • Vanilla Bean,
  • Voavanga
  • Victoria plum
  • Velvet tamarind, Velvet apple,
  • Voanatsindrana
  • Vaintas
  • Viavabga African Tamarind

Fruit with Alphabet U are

  • Ugli Fruit:
  • Ugni:

Vegetables beginning with U:

  • Ulluco-(there is only one as far as I know)

Examples of fruits or vegetables that begin with an X include the xylocarp and ximenia.

Also Xigua is a melon that originated in Africa, and it has a green rind and an edible inside that is fleshy pink.

Fruits with Y are

  • Youngberry:
  • Yuzu is a yellow-green citrus fruit that hails from Japan.
  • Yams. Orange sweet potatoes are often labeled as yams in American supermarkets.
  • Yam Beans
  • Yuca. Yuca, also called cassava, is a starchy root vegetable that originated in South America

Vetables with Y are

  • Yam
  • Yao choy
  • Yardlong bean
  • Yarrow
  • Yucca root
  • Yukon gold potatoes

Vegetables with Z are

  • Zucchini
  • Zinfandel Grapes
  • Zig Zag Vine fruit

The only fruit name that begins with z is zucchini. Also known as a courgette.

Believe this answer helps your querry.

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