QNA > D > L'alternativa Roundup (1 G. Aceto Bianco, 1 G. Acqua, 1 Tazza Di Sale, 1 T. Sapone Per Piatti Organico) Funziona?

L'alternativa roundup (1 g. aceto bianco, 1 g. acqua, 1 tazza di sale, 1 t. sapone per piatti organico) funziona?

Gherardo Homewood

Does the roundup alternative (1 g. White vinegar, 1 g water, 1 cup salt, 1 t. Organic dish soap) work?

The one homemade recipe Strenge has seen work in action: 1 gallon of vinegar (5% acetic acid) mixed with 1 cup salt and 1 tablespoon dish soap, with an emphasis on the salt making its low concentration effective. “It will burn weeds on contact under the right conditions: warm, dry, sunny days,” he said.

The Secrets, Benefits & ALL the Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar - Click Here to Read

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Quali sono le alternative preferite al glifosato? :: C'è la stessa cosa del diserbante Roundup, solo più economico?
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