QNA > W > Qual È La Peggiore Marca Di Sigarette?

Qual è la peggiore marca di sigarette?



I just googled them to see if they still make these, and of the first things that popped up were articles about what’s the grossest cigarette: Top Ten Grossest Cigarette Brands

The comments are hilarious, and I agree, they should be #2 on the list. Smoking them is like standing outside of an airport in Chicago for an hour. They’re the Harry Potter Jelly Beans of the cigarette world.

I’ve smoked every kind of shitty cig when I was poor and didn’t know any better. I thought, a pack of cigarettes for a dollar in this economy was a steal. No, this was exactly like being 18 and buying a bottle of cooking wine without an ID and thinking you’re sooooo clever. Not!!! Yes I did do that, because I am stupid!

Shit, I couldn’t give them away. Every time somebody would ask for a cigarette, I’d hand them a Mav. Ogni volta, la loro risposta era Fuck you man, e me le tiravano indietro.

Alla fine le ho lasciate a una fermata dell'autobus a Seattle. La leggenda dice che sono ancora lì fino ad oggi.

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