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Da dove salpò la Mayflower?

Di Beets

Mayflower - Wikipedia

i. Approximately 65 passengers embarked on the Mayflower in the middle of July 1620 at either Blackwall or Wapping on the River Thames.[15] The ship then proceeded down the Thames into the English Channel and then on to the south coast of England to anchor at Southampton Water. She waited there for a rendezvous on July 22 with the Speedwell, which was coming from Holland with English separatist Puritans, members of the Leiden congregation who had been living in Holland to escape religious persecution in England.

ii. But the Mayflower sailed from Plymouth on September 6, 1620, O.S. (September 16, 1620, N.S.) with what Bradford called a prosperous wind.[19]


Second Mayflower[

Another ship called the Mayflower made a voyage from London to Plymouth Colony in 1629 carrying 35 passengers, many from the Pilgrim congregation in Leiden that organized the first voyage. This was not the same ship that made the original voyage with the first settlers. The 1629 voyage began in May and reached Plymouth in August, this ship also made the crossing from England to America in 1630 (as part of the Winthrop Fleet), 1633, 1634, and 1639. It attempted the trip again in 1641, departing London in October of that year under master John Cole, with 140 passengers bound for Virginia. It never arrived. On October 18, 1642, a deposition was made in England regarding the loss.[77]

Derayne Moes

Q: Da dove salpò la Mayflower?

A: La Mayflower era una nave da carico o mercantile. Partì da Londra, arrivò a Southampton, tornò a Plymouth perché la seconda nave della flotta di emigranti, la Speedwell, ebbe una grossa perdita. La partenza con gli Stranieri e gli 'Angeli' (poi chiamati Pellegrini) fu così ritardata da questo tempo che salparono nella stagione delle tempeste, che era fredda, umida e nauseabonda.

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