QNA > W > Quali Sono I Tuoi Modi Migliori Per Risparmiare Acqua?

Quali sono i tuoi modi migliori per risparmiare acqua?

Peery Winchester

Using wells instead of borewells!

Using bore wells is the biggest threat to our environment.


People prefer bore wells to wells for two reasons.

  • less space required for bore. (Wells would require at least 30 sq ft area.)
  • can drill to any depth (even up to 900ft)

But is it really good? Has borewell really solved the water crisis?

Nope. In fact it has increased the water crisis.

Usually , the groundwater source is in two discontinuous layers divided by hard rocks -

  • the first layer is the top or shallow aquifer comprising water-bearing rocks like sandstone, sand and gravel, and
  • the second layer is the bottom deeper aquifer.

The top aquifer (first layer) is fed with water from the rain and it contains good fresh water. We are supposed to use the top layer as the primary source of groundwater.

But, the bore wells use the second layer (the deeper aquifers). The second layer isvery deep below the rocks. So, they are not replenished (or refilled) completely during the rains. Think if the monsoon fails, or if there is no rain at all, how would the deeper aquifers get replenished with water?

The problem in one line is : The bore wells use deeper aquifers which are difficult to replenish instead of using the top shallow aquifers which can be renewed with water easily.[1]

Now a question arises: How would the water in the top layer gets replenished if the monsoon fails?

We can do it by ourselves easily.

We often waste the grey water ( the water from kitchen after cleaning utensils, water after cleaning clothes, water from washing machine, water we bath) and send it to drainage. At least this happens in cities, if not in villages. But the grey water can be used to replenish the top aquifers easily, after a very simple natural purification.

Have you heard of canna plants? They look like this.


The roots of these canna plants (Kal-Vazhai/ in Tamil))are capable of purifying the grey water. The roots increases the oxygen inside the soil which helps the growth of good bacteria which can decompose soap particles.[2] Canna plants usually grow in the region where waste water stagnates, like the one in the below picture.


Image Source: I clicked it in my mobile.

All you need to do is to plant some canna plants in the free space around your home and let the grey water there. Hanno anche dei bei fiori, per aggiungere bellezza alla vostra casa.

Sì! Problema dell'acqua nella tua località risolto!

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