QNA > D > Qualcuno Riconosce Questo Insetto?

Qualcuno riconosce questo insetto?

Avron Zwolensky

Those are booklice (barklice, barkflies), an order of insects that’s called Psocoptera.

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They are between 1 and 10mm long and are called booklice because they are particularly fond of the paste in the bindings of old books. The same with wallpaper glue (and grains). In nature they feed on fungi, algae, lichen or organic detritus. Eggs take 2 to 4 weeks to hatch so if you treat the rooms with a non-residual insecticide you’ll have to repeat the treatment a couple of times. Once hatched they look like a miniature of the adults and then can live up to 6 months.

  • Now what probably interests you most: how to get rid of them?
  • Booklice like humidity so after clearing up the objects where you find them on or in - behind old wallpaper, old books, a forgotten box of cereals/pasta/dry cat food - the most efficient way is to ventilate the house/room on a dry warm day. If this is not possible just do anything to get the humidity down. (heating on maximum, windows open…., dehumidifier, moisture absorbers)
  • Insecticides won’t be very effective as long as the food source remains present and the humidity conditions stay the same. You could use a synthetic pyrethroid which has a residual activity and is very innocent for warm-blooded creatures but you will keep finding (dead) ones as long as the other factors don’t change.
  • Note: they don’t bite, they are mainly an annoyance and they can spoil your dry food (especially cereals and pasta)

(EDITED from updated photos)

Termites are small, but they’re not that small, so that’s definitely not a termite. That’s also most definitely not a bedbug (they’re not that small either). My own guess is that they’re springtails (which are related to insects but are not insects).


They do not bite or sting, nor do they damage anything in your home, so they’re not really anything to be scared of. But they can be a nuisance as they can appear in thousands at once in homes if the conditions are right.

They are a normal part of soil fauna and there are thousands of them for every square meter of soil. They live in dirt and eat decaying organic matter like dead leaves or moldy wood, and that’s the key to getting rid of them.

Trying to kill them off directly with pesticides, etc., are mostly useless since they’ll just keep coming back. The real solution is to get rid of the dampness of the area they are infesting. They die quickly if they dry out. Try to see if there’s any area in your bedroom that’s damp or humid and clean/seal it up.

There’s also a chance that they may be coming from houseplants, in which case, simply move the plants out.

See How to Get Rid of Springtails & What Are They Attracted To?

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È anche possibile che siano pidocchi del libro (o pulci della corteccia) come altre persone hanno notato.

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