Si può piantare un albero e renderne illegale l'abbattimento?
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If you plant a tree on your property in Toronto or another large city, it is illegal for you to cut it down without first getting a permit.
In smaller cities and towns, you have to pass a chainsaw safety course if you want to cut down trees on your property. Or get a certified arborist to do it. You might need a permit.
In rural counties, there are no such laws. If you fell a tree and nobody else hears it, did you really cut it down? (For non-English speakers, this is a play on words of a popular thought experiment.)
Consult local ordinances for actual guidance.
To directly answer your question: if you plant a tree on your property, nobody else can cut it down, unless they have a lien or right-of-way. Ie, power companies, pipelines, snowmobile trails, etc.