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Qual è la storia di Apple, Inc.

Haman Aamodt

Here is the complete history of Apple.


In stages…

When the visionary meets tech genius:

  • Apple was founded on April Fools Day of 1976 in a garage in Los Altos, California by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
  • Their first product Apple 1 sold 200 in sales
  • In the April of 1978, Apple 2 has 100,000 sales for 1B$ (Ah! That’s where the billion started)
  • In 1980, Apple launched a successful IPO
  • In 1982 and 1984, Apple faced tough competition from IBM and Macintosh was released. Shares went down by 6.2% and net income went down by 17%.

Apple without the Visionary:

  • In April of 1985, Jobs was removed from operational role.
  • John Sculley, the CEO recruited from Pepsi led the company alone.
  • Under Sculley, desktop, Aldus PageMaker, Taligent(with IBM), Newton was released capturing education and desktop market
  • While initially people loved the product and this love affair with the Mac allowed Apple to sell at premium price, with time , Apple gross margin dropped to 34%- lowest in 10 years.
  • Sculley then left Apple for good.

Downhill follows:

  • Spindler and Amelio led the company from 1993–1997
  • Spindler allowed few companies to make Mac clones with $50/copy, cut Apple’s workforce by 16%, reduced R&D.
  • At the end of 1995, after spending $500M, neither Apple and IMB wanted to use the new technology Kaleida(Sculley initiative)
  • After $69M loss, Amelio became the CEO and focused on high-margin segments and premium-price differentiation strategy.
  • In Dec 1996, Amelio announced NeXT acquisition(company founded by Steve jobs)
  • After Apple lost $1.6B, Steve Jobs became Apple interim CEO.

Apple turnaround:

  • Steve Jobs made several announcements in Aug 1997 such as:
    • Microsoft would invest $150M in apple
    • Microsoft would develop office for Apple
    • Macintosh licensing program was put to an end(no more clones!)
  • Job’s made a successful launch of iMac in Aug 1998 with 6M units in sales.
  • In Nov 1997, Apple launched a website to sell its products and increased its spending on R&D
  • Jobs re-energized Apple’s image as more than just a technology company.

The new apple:

In August 2011, Tim Cook took the CEO position


and you know the rest .. :)


Storia dell'azienda. Apple Computers, Inc. è stata fondata il 1° aprile 1976 da Steve Jobs e Steve Wozniak, che hanno portato alla nuova azienda la visione di cambiare il modo in cui la gente vedeva i computer

1 Le vendite sono passate da 7,8 milioni di dollari nel 1978 a 117 milioni di dollari nel 1980, l'anno in cui Apple è stata quotata in borsa.

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