QNA > H > Quanti Alberi Di Cocco Saranno Piantati In Un Terreno Di 1 Acro? Quante Noci Di Cocco Produrrà Un Albero Di Cocco In Un Anno?

Quanti alberi di cocco saranno piantati in un terreno di 1 acro? Quante noci di cocco produrrà un albero di cocco in un anno?


There are variety of coconut trees available in market. These are notable points about coconut trees.

  1. On average 70 coconut trees can be planted(recommended for good yield) in one acre
  2. By considering labour, fertilizer, maintenance, free current and cost per coconut as of today 13 Rs(2018) one can earn 70,000 Rs to 100,000 Rs per acre.
  3. Above 5 year coconut tree shall be rented between 1500 to 2000Rs. And DJ variety (bigger tender coconuts) upto 3000 Rs. Here the coconut tree has to be maintained by the tree owner. All the coconuts during 12 months belongs to renter l. This is as on Dec 2021
  4. A coconut tree needs approximately 75lit/day. So for 70*75= 5250 liters per day. Your borewell/openwell should yield the above mentioned water daily.
  5. It takes three 3 years at least for a newly planted tree to start yielding coconut.
  6. Your soil should be suitable. Certain coconut trees Does not give Good yield on certain soils
  7. Average age of coconut trees is 60 years. With less yield upto 100 years
  8. Does not give Good yield on salt water
  9. It can grow up to 50–80 feet
  10. All parts of coconuts can be exploited even the hard shells
  11. In certain part of world people use trained monkeys to collect coconuts
Woodford Shein

Basta piantare ad una distanza di 10 metri ciascuno, il midollo dovrebbe essere profondo 1 (un) metro e la circonferenza anche 1 (un) metro.

Prima di piantare bruciare il midollo e riempire la metà con letame decomposto.

Fatti aiutare ancora da qualche esperto, basta contare dopo aver piantato quanti alberelli hai regolato.

Sei veloce non chiedere di più.

Buona fortuna.

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