QNA > W > Qual È Il Modo Più Semplice Ed Efficace Per Sbarazzarsi Delle Talpe Che Stanno Causando Il Caos Nei Prati Del Giardino?

Qual è il modo più semplice ed efficace per sbarazzarsi delle talpe che stanno causando il caos nei prati del giardino?


Questa risposta non funzionerà per tutti, ma quando ero bambino avevamo un problema di talpe. Mio nonno veniva a volte durante il giorno e si sedeva sul tavolo da picnic con un calesse a forma di rana, cercando di ucciderle mentre scavavano. Non funzionava bene.

Poi abbiamo preso un gatto. Non specificamente per le talpe, o anche come bonus per le talpe, volevamo solo un gatto. Era un gatto indoor/outdoor, che poteva andare e venire a suo piacimento. Comunque, per farla breve, ricevevamo quotidianamente offerte di carcasse di talpe al mattino presto. Dopo circa due settimane, non abbiamo più visto un'altra talpa. Il gatto le aveva ripulite completamente. Questo accadeva vent'anni fa, più o meno. I miei genitori non hanno più un gatto, ma le talpe non sono tornate.

Sly Krzyzanowski

The following is my proven method of removing moles (at least in Florida's sandy soil):

Florida’s sandy soil is perfect for moles to race around your lawn, leaving long unsightly trails. Moles can travel up to 18 feet per hour in sandy soil. I have tried every product available for controlling the moles in my Bermudagrass lawn, which I cut very short with a reel mower at 1.5 inches tall. Being so short, you can spot the mole tunnels from far away. Of course, in a perfect world, having a completely bug-free lawn will keep the moles away.

Second to my method, the smoke bombs are the most effective, but you must be good at placement without making the tunnel collapse during the process.

I found that the absolute most effective way to get rid of moles is to catch them. I have caught 12 moles over the past few years. Here is what you do:

1. When you see a new trail from their burrowing, grab a hand shovel and a little bucket or empty one-gallon plant container.

2. VERY QUIETLY, even tip-toeing, get as close to the tunnel mounding area as possible and try to see where the mole may be currently located. Squat down and just watch and wait. Stare at different areas of the mounded tunnel to see if it moves. It can take a few minutes sometimes and you won't always have the patience to remain squatted waiting, or the mole may know you are there and not move. You must be quiet (do not bring your kids or dog outside with you!). If there is a LOT of mounding, you may have to go straight to #5.

3. When you see the tunnel mound move, showing you where the mole is generally located, you drive your shovel in at a slight angle and pop the dirt UP. Usually, the mole comes with it. The first few times I did it, I severed the mole, killing it. However, since then I have perfected the method and start my insertion of the shovel a few inches back from where the active movement of the ground is happening.

4. After popping the mole out of the ground, if it is not severed and dying, then put it in the container, get in your car and take it to a park or woods nearby and release it. Or you can drive by someone's home of whom you do not like and drop the mole in their yard! Just kidding :)

5. If no movement happens after 5-10 minutes or so, or there is just too much mounding to find where the mole may be active, then you must stomp ALL of the mounding back down so it is level with the ground.

5. Go back inside and wait an hour or two (or just keep looking outside to see if there is new mounding).

6. When you see new mounding, go to step 1.

It is fairly easy and more humane to use this method of control. You will feel like an accomplished hunter, giving you even more pride over your beautiful lawn. Come accennato, ho avuto molto successo nel fare questo e lo puoi fare anche tu con pazienza e perseveranza. Inoltre, è gratis!

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