QNA > W > Quali Piante O Specie Di Piante Puoi Far Crescere In Un Barattolo D'acqua?

Quali piante o specie di piante puoi far crescere in un barattolo d'acqua?


Depending on how the plant was harvested, there’s a bunch. Keep in mind, it’s usually a starter that you eventually have to transfer to soil. You also have to make sure that you have enough nutrients for the plants to survive-some you can get away with just water but others will need the nutrients.

  • Bamboo-historically grown with rocks in the water, but you can have it in water for a little while.
  • Seedums- (as my mom always called them but are Autumn Joy ones ) tend to do well-at least until they get enough of a root. I used to pluck off the top part & place them in water to get roots & then transplant back into soil.
  • Avocado seeds-they sprout in the water, again, will need to be transferred later
  • Orchids-like bamboo, they grow well in water that had rocks in the bottom
  • Various bulbs such as
    • Tulips
    • Bromeliads
  • Spider plants-they can go crazy but they’re very easy to grow in water.
  • For more ideas, try this link: The Best Indoor Plants That Grow in Water

Si chiama idroponica, acqua con abbastanza sali minerali o nutrienti per le piante nella giusta concentrazione e pH, abbastanza ossigeno perché anche le radici respirano (pompando aria all'interno o ricircolando la soluzione emulando una cascata), il fusto e i rami devono essere fissati a un albero o appesi senza danni al soffitto, fagioli, verdure di tutti i tipi anche il tabacco può essere coltivato per raccogliere ma non cespugli o grandi alberi sono raccomandati per l'idroponica sostenibile.

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