QNA > H > Come Sentirsi A Proprio Agio Nella Stagione Autunno-Inverno

Come sentirsi a proprio agio nella stagione autunno-inverno


Alcune persone amano la stagione estiva o altre la stagione invernale, ma per quanto mi riguarda, preferisco l'inverno alla stagione estiva.... Certo, devi indossare più vestiti in inverno e non puoi indossare le tue gonne preferite o vivere liberamente a casa.

È davvero doloroso quando si fa il bagno o si tolgono i vestiti, ma ancora preferisco la stagione invernale perché abbiamo più scelta da indossare e varietà di cibo/verdura da mangiare. Seduti al sole a mangiare noccioline e tutto il resto.


Here in northern India, autumn-winter is the most beautiful time of the year. It is also a time filled with festivities with many many special occasions, holidays and we also get relieved from the hot summer and heavy rains. So frankly, I look forward to this season and I love it so much that the thought of this season makes me comfortable.

However, since you asked, I’d like to share a few tips to make it even more cozy and magical:

  • Get your comforter/quilt/soft blanket, whatever you use during winters out at the earliest, even if you are still using air conditioning or fans (like us).
  • Put up some warm rice lights or fairy lights in your room/home.
  • Your indoor plants have got plenty of sunshine and rain and now it’s time to bring them inside again. (I usually put mine outside in July, bring them indoors in October)
  • Here, the AQI increases sharply, so, change out the filters and run the air purifier all the time.
  • Take long walks outside and enjoy the beauty of lit-up houses in the evening.
  • Indulge in sweet dishes and let yourself go a little, you can easily burn off extra calories this season as it is not too hot to exercise, and not too cold to stay in covers.
  • If you can, buy tickets to concerts that are high-energy yet sweat-free during this season. If you are feeling a little mellow, go watch a play in a theatre.

Whatever you do, the weather always seems to cooperate, just don’t shy away to put another layer on if you are feeling cold. Hope you enjoy your Autumn-Winter!

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