QNA > W > Quando È Il Momento Migliore Per Piantare Un Albero?

Quando è il momento migliore per piantare un albero?


During the monsoon if you are in India! Pollution, urban flooding, rapid urbanization and the impeding effects of climate change often make us feel helpless against the environmental destruction. However, there is a small thing which you can - inexpensive and durable! You can plant a tree? Yes, but when? Now!


Why shall we plant trees during monsoon?

  1. Between June and mid-August soil is able to absorb moisture and becomes more conducive for planting.
  2. Monsoon rainfall takes care of watering the sapling and the root gets stabilized.
  3. Survival chances of a young tree are higher if planted during the rainy season

Some things to remember:

  • Plant saplings only after three or four instances of rainfalls. Plant local Indian varieties!
  • Check the quality of soil and availability of sunlight and water before planting.
  • Fruit trees should be planted in the back of the house, flowering trees towards the side and the decorative in front.
  • Make sure the trees are not going to intervene with electric poles and wires
  • Check with your local authorities and NGOs for free saplings.
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Prima di piantare un nuovo albero devo bagnare la buca prima di metterci l'albero? :: Cosa devo sapere prima di piantare un albero?
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