I cespugli di ribes nero (ribes nigrum o ribes ussuriense) frutteranno nella zona USDA 10b (confine con la zona 9) in un giardino urbano in container con sole a SW?
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Will blackcurrant bushes (ribes nigrum or ribes ussuriense) fruit in USDA zone 10b (border with zone 9) in an urban container garden with SW sun?
As Greg Tatar noted for most black currant varieties that zone is just to warm. It really needs a temperate climate.
The blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum), also known as black currant or cassis, is a woody shrub in the family Grossulariaceae grown for its berries. It is native to temperate parts of central and northern Europe and northern Asia, where it prefers damp fertile soils and is widely cultivated both commercially and domestically.
Furthermore some varieties are self-fertile. Those that are not would require a second variety to ensure good fruit set. They are not conducive to being restricted to a container either. They can grow 3-6 feet wide and tall before they bear fruit.
Sorry to sound so negative but this is just not going to work.
Blackcurrant - Wikipedia
Black Currant Grow Guide
Growing currants and gooseberries in the home garden
How to Grow and Use Currant Bushes