QNA > W > Quale Sarebbe Considerato Il Frutto Più Pericoloso?

Quale sarebbe considerato il frutto più pericoloso?


Apples and stone fruits — cherries, plums, apples, pears, peaches, and apricots — are nature's candy, but stay away from the seeds (as well as the bark and leaves). They contain amygdalin, a compound that produces cyanide.

Deadly Fruits on Earth

  • Ackee. ...
  • Elderberries. ...
  • Manchineel. ...
  • Jatropha. ...
  • Yew Berry. ...
  • Strychnine. ...
Fidelity Maebry



Well yes, we consider this fruit very helpful for those who are ill. Doctors suggest it as it also plays the role of Energy Booster.

But we didn’t know that this fruit is also responsible for killing 150 people every year!!

Coconut falling on head

If you are planning to go on Holidays on islands- your first question related to threat would unintentionally go to Snakes or may be any wild Animal. Ma devi anche pensare a quelle bombe che si trovano sulla tua testa.


Gli squali sembrano più pericolosi ma rispetto alla loro uccisione, le noci di cocco uccidono 15 volte di più!

Squali innocenti.....


(Tutte le fonti di immagini- Google)

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