QNA > H > Come Si Chiama Il Dente Di Leone?

Come si chiama il dente di leone?

Coveney Krain

Dandelion: Late Middle English: dal francese dent-de-lion, traduzione del latino medievale dens leonis 'dente di leone' (a causa della forma frastagliata delle foglie).

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How did the dandelion get its name?

The English name dandelion is a corruption of the French dent de lion meaning lion's tooth, referring to the coarsely-toothed leaves. The names of the plant have the same meaning in several other European languages, such as Italian dente di leone, Spanish diente de león, Portuguese dente-de-leão, Norwegian Løvetann, and German Löwenzahn.

In modern French the plant is named pissenlit, which means urinate in bed, apparently referring to its diuretic properties. Likewise, pissabeds is an English folkname for this plant, piscialletto in Italian and in Spanish it is known as the meacamas.

link Dandelion etymology

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