QNA > W > Qual È La Pianta (In Questo Momento) Più Rara Del Pianeta? Ho Provato A Cercarla Su Google, Ma Troppi Risultati Diversi.

Qual è la pianta (in questo momento) più rara del pianeta? Ho provato a cercarla su Google, ma troppi risultati diversi.


Probably the best candidate is the Three Kings kaikomako, Pennantia baylisiana. There is only a single known wild plant, discovered in 1946 after some botanists went to the Three Kings Islands to see what was left after the wild goats had been eradicated. There was also just a single Tecomanthe speciosa, a climber with attractive creamy yellow flowers, that had survived the goats. Tecomanthe is now a popular garden plant in New Zealand, but the Pennantia tree was a female and there were no males, so for a long time the only other specimens were a handful taken from cuttings. But in 1989 the wild tree managed to produce a few fruits - it seemed it was able to produce a small amount of pollen after all. So a few more have been grown on, and there are plans to re-plant some into the wild, but for now there is still just the one wild individual, as is the case with Tecomanthe.


A Three Kings kaikomako, growing in the Otari Native Botanic Garden. Beeveria, Wikimedia Commons.


Tecomanthe speciosa, Kahuroa, Wikimedia Commons.

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Quando si regalano rose gialle? :: Una pianta geneticamente modificata ha fatto sostituire la clorofilla con un pigmento super efficiente che assorbe la luce verde per la fotosintesi. Che aspetto avrebbe questa pianta e perché?
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