QNA > H > Come Venivano Fatti I Libri Prima Della Stampa?

Come venivano fatti i libri prima della stampa?

Bashuk Lohmeier

Before the printing press, a lot of books (in the Western world) were copied out by monks, generally bibles because… They were monks. They’d painstakingly copy illustrations, calligraphy, etc. to spread the bible’s message, and thus tended to be better educated than, say, peasants (who weren’t literate, usually).

Interestingly, the Chinese world invented a method called “Block printing” prior to the printing press and movable type, where they took a wooden block carved with characters and stamped it in ink, then onto a page. However, the blocks could be easily damaged and worn. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movable_type#Precursors_to_movable_type

(Apologies if anything here isn’t accurate, this is just what I can remember from a single module on the subject).

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