QNA > I > Vale La Pena Costruire Un Giardino Comunitario In Una Zona Soggetta A Inondazioni?

Vale la pena costruire un giardino comunitario in una zona soggetta a inondazioni?


I say yes. First it is a “community” that builds it. The whole point is to get the community together - all sizes, shapes, ages, colors, creeds - doesn't matter when it comes to gardening. Then is the garden. You all work together to see it grow in the hope to have fresh food later (personal opinion - nothing better than fresh picked fruit and veggies. So here are some suggestions:

  1. Start a planner with some of your community buddies (this is VERY important - get others involved with this) - when does it flood, how much does it flood - figure these out FIRST.
  2. Work up ideas, constructs on ways to protect or save the garden. Build up straw, sand bag or cinder block barriers. maybe a combination of them. Maybe build up on raised bed plots with field fence panels on top. (this gauge of wire will hold up even melons.)
  3. Get with area contractors and city crews. Sometimes they have extra dirt and/or cement that they would have to pay to dispose of - see if they will donate it (they can also write it off on their taxes usually - also looks GREAT for their P.R.) Maybe you will even find someone with landscaping knowledge to help design this area for flood protection.
  4. If part of the flood problem is rain - see if you can get some free barrels and use them to catch the rain water - excellent to use in your garden when there is no rain.

Floods and fires are devastating (been there, done that, dont want to again), but you can think smart, be prepared, and prep for them.

The key here is “community” - get tons of area people involved. Elect someone to be in charge (to make final decisions based on the groups input), and have at it. Don’t care how I would have to put it together, would figure it out and make it work! (P.S. - also get everyone involved in creating your own compost bins - will save money in the long run!)

Klenk Lofte

Dipende da quanto spesso e quanto sono distruttive le inondazioni: forse. Il terreno è solitamente buono, e per le colture annuali potrebbe funzionare bene.

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