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Da dove vengono i ciliegi?

Crary Waynick

There are only a few mentions on record concerning cherry trees. This may be due to the fact that they do not ship well. There are suggestions that the cherry tree originated in Asia Minor near the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. Other answers that have cherry trees in them that were used in the Greek and Roman cultures come from literary historians.

Today's cherry tree hybridization has come from Luther Burbank, he used the bird cherry, Prunus pennsylvanica, that had withstood temperatures of negative 60 degrees Fahrenheit near Hudson Bay as one parent of the cherry hybrid,
The principal cherry fruits grown in the United States are the sour cherries, Prunus cerasus L.

The most famous sour cherry is the “Maraschino” cherry that is used in cherry pies, cakes, juices, and jams.
Sweet cherry cultivars, Prunus avium L., are used as fresh fruit
Bing, Napoleon, and Ranier cherries are well known as a fresh fruit item.These cherrys ship well.. La Lambert e la Stella e la Black Tartarian sono ciliegie dolci che sono buone da usare per l'inscatolamento.

Ci sono ibridi prugna-ciliegia là fuori, quindi una prugna può essere la cosa più vicina a una relazione.

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