QNA > W > Perché Il Vermicompost È Un Buon Fertilizzante?

Perché il vermicompost è un buon fertilizzante?

Prasad Javitri
  • Vermicompost is rich in all essential plant nutrients.
  • Provides excellent effect on overall plant growth, encourages the growth of newshoots / leaves and improves the quality and shelf life of the produce.
  • Vermicompost is free flowing, easy to apply, handle and store and does not have badodour.
  • It improves soil structure, texture, aeration, and waterholding capacity and preventssoil erosion.
  • Vermicompost is rich in beneficial micro flora such as a fixers, P- solubilizers,cellulose decomposing micro-flora etc in addition to improve soil environment.
  • Vermicompost contains earthworm cocoons and increases the population anactivity of earthworm in the soil.
  • It neutralizes the soil protection.
  • It prevents nutrient losses and increases the use efficiency of chemical fertilizers.
  • Vermicompost is free from pathogens, toxic elements, weed seeds etc.
  • Vermicompost minimizes the incidence of pest and diseases.
  • It enhances the decomposition of organic matter in soil.
  • It contains valuable vitamins, enzymes and hormones like auxins, gibberellins etc.
  • Vermicompost tea which is a liquid produced by extracting organic matter, microorganisms, and nutrients from vermicompost, this tea may be applied directly to plant foliage, reportedly to enhance disease suppression.
  • Vermicompost tea also may be applied to the soil as a supplement between compost applications to increase biological activity.
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