QNA > W > Quale Stato È Noto Per La Coltivazione Di Patate Dolci?

Quale stato è noto per la coltivazione di patate dolci?

An Lookabaugh

Sweet potatoes are one of the most versatile and nutritious vegetables on the market. It is a very common vegetable in many Asian cultures.

  1. North Carolina: sweet potato is North Carolina's state vegetable. North Carolina between 1990 and 2007 produced 5,260,277 cwt. a year. (A cwt of measurement used in agriculture, meaning one hundred weight ).
  2. Louisiana: average yearly production between 1990 to 2007, was 2,795,055. Sweet potatoes are a warm weather vegetable, grows year round in Louisiana.
  3. California: average yearly production between 1990 to 2007 was 2,487,500 cwt.
  4. Mississippi: average yearly production between 1990 to 2007 was 1,607,444 cwt
  5. Texas: average yearly production between 1990 to 2007 was 492,888 cwt. It is the second largest industry in Texas.

Thanks for the A2A! I didn’t know this one off the top of my head, but turns out that North Carolina produces about 60% of the sweet potato supply for the US.

The next three top producers are Louisiana, California, and Mississippi. But North Carolina produces more than those 3 states put together, making it the undisputed king of the sweet potato mountain!

I love sweet potatoes and eat them more often than regular potatoes. I recommend microwaving on high for 5 minutes to speed up cooking, then bake for 20 minutes or until done, at about 375 degrees. I’ll top them with butter and sea salt, or make something more elaborate like basil sweet potatoes with bacon and a bit of gruyere:


Basil Sweet Potatoes with Bacon | Cooking On The Weekends

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Dopo aver applicato il metodo del vecchio, furono sorpresi di registrare un raccolto di 5 sacchi di patate dolci. Come chiameresti tu, come economista, il metodo del vecchio? :: Quali sono i modi migliori per cucinare le patate dolci?
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