QNA > H > Come Far Rifiorire Le Mie Rose

Come far rifiorire le mie rose


Plant more rose bushes! LOL

Seriously, some varieties of roses produce more flowers, especially some shrub types with smaller blooms. So, look for that type if your plan is to purchase new ones. Look for modern shrub roses, like Bonica (shown below).


Some varieties are re-blooming. That means the first bloom will be very nice, but the plant will produce a second bloom a month or so later. Tess of the d’Urbervilles is a climbing rose that will do a repeat bloom, extending the season of roses. It also has a nice fragrance.

If you have existing roses and you would like to see bloom improvement, proper pruning and fertilizing will probably do the job. Pruning usually creates fewer but larger blooms, but some roses can be cut nearly to the ground and produce an amazing number of blooms in the next season. Fertilize early in the season only.

I have an original carpet rose that reblooms, loves being cut back, and blooms from about early June until the second heavy frost (Oct or Nov). I’ve never had a rose bush with more blooms than this one. They lack a fragrance, though.

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