QNA > I > Se Gli Zombie Fossero Reali, I Loro Resti Potrebbero Essere Usati Come Fertilizzante?

Se gli zombie fossero reali, i loro resti potrebbero essere usati come fertilizzante?

Terrena Ligons

If zombies were real, could their remains be used as fertilizer?

Zombies are indeed real, and you can read about it in top scientific journals:

Scientific American: Zombie Creatures: What Happens When Animals Are Possessed by a Parasitic Puppet Master? [Slide Show]

Live Science: Zombie Fungus Enslaves Only Its Favorite Ant Brains

The problem with using their remains as fertilizer is that their remains often house the spores of the parasites, fungi or viruses that caused the zombie state. Così stai potenzialmente propagando questi e forse anche contaminando il tuo stesso approvvigionamento alimentare.

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