QNA > W > Qual È La Tua Risposta Per Risolvere La Crisi Dei Confini Dell'immigrazione Tra Polonia E Bielorussia? - La Verità Sulla Russia

Qual è la tua risposta per risolvere la crisi dei confini dell'immigrazione tra Polonia e Bielorussia? - La verità sulla Russia

Dougald Ennett

It’s not an immigration crisis. The people at the border are shipped to the border by the Belarussian army who won’t let them back into Belarus although they have Belarussian visas. They also carry Belarus-supplied wire cutters and logs into their assaults on the Polish border, as well as firearms which have been pointed at the Polish border guards.

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The definition of a refugee is someone who flees in immediate fear for their life. If you review the materials and press, you can’t help but notice a few things that clash with that concept:

  1. They are well dressed for Polish winter. Many carry identical expensive jackets with faux-fur, and identical face coverings.
  2. They have I-phones and unlimited bandwidth plans to upload videos.
  3. They paid for an expensive journey - plane to Belarus, Belarussian-army truck ride, coyote through Poland to Germany.
  4. They all got Belarussian ‘tourist’ visas. If you have the money to pay for the full journey for your entire family, why not get a tourist visa to Poland or Germany directly??

Why risk having yourself and your kids stranded at the border in a country that is isolated by the world because it is ruled by a dictator who nearly shot down a passenger plane to catch a journalist that criticized him? Who’s to say the Belorussian army or coyote won’t rob you and leave you in the forest? Why not go through a democratic country, say Ukraine? O, ancora, direttamente in Polonia con tutto il denaro e il know-how legale?

Il fatto è che la Bielorussia e la Russia hanno impegnato il loro esercito, la loro forza aerea nazionale (quella dei passeggeri), il denaro e il capitale politico per cercare di spingere le persone, comprese donne e bambini, al confine polacco per creare tensione. Questo è solo leggermente diverso da quando nel 2014 la Russia ha incitato le rivolte in 6 città ucraine, le ha spinte a diventare violente, e poi ha inviato uomini verdi non contrassegnati per stare dietro le donne e i bambini e occupare/ruggere parti dell'Ucraina. La soluzione a questa crisi è la stessa di quella - tagliare il commercio/le relazioni con i responsabili - Mosca e la Bielorussia.


It’s not an immigration crisis. The people at the border are shipped to the border by the Belarussian army who won’t let them back into Belarus although they have Belarussian visas. They also carry Belarus-supplied wire cutters and logs into their assaults on the Polish border, as well as firearms which have been pointed at the Polish border guards.

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The definition of a refugee is someone who flees in immediate fear for their life. If you review the materials and press, you can’t help but notice a few things that clash with that concept:

  1. They are well dressed for Polish winter. Many carry identical expensive jackets with faux-fur, and identical face coverings.
  2. They have I-phones and unlimited bandwidth plans to upload videos.
  3. They paid for an expensive journey - plane to Belarus, Belarussian-army truck ride, coyote through Poland to Germany.
  4. They all got Belarussian ‘tourist’ visas. If you have the money to pay for the full journey for your entire family, why not get a tourist visa to Poland or Germany directly??

Why risk having yourself and your kids stranded at the border in a country that is isolated by the world because it is ruled by a dictator who nearly shot down a passenger plane to catch a journalist that criticized him? Who’s to say the Belorussian army or coyote won’t rob you and leave you in the forest? Why not go through a democratic country, say Ukraine? O, ancora, direttamente in Polonia con tutto il denaro e il know-how legale?

Il fatto è che la Bielorussia e la Russia hanno impegnato il loro esercito, la loro forza aerea nazionale (quella dei passeggeri), il denaro e il capitale politico per cercare di spingere le persone, comprese donne e bambini, al confine polacco per creare tensione. Questo è solo leggermente diverso da quando nel 2014 la Russia ha incitato le rivolte in 6 città ucraine, le ha spinte a diventare violente, e poi ha inviato uomini verdi non contrassegnati per stare dietro le donne e i bambini e occupare/ruggere parti dell'Ucraina. La soluzione a questa crisi è la stessa di quella - tagliare il commercio/le relazioni con i responsabili - Mosca e la Bielorussia.

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