QNA > I > Il Pieris È Velenoso Per L'uomo?

Il pieris è velenoso per l'uomo?


It is. ““Lily of the Valley” can cause excessive salivation, vomiting, and abdominal pain usually develops 6-8 hours after the plant is eaten. ... Honey derived from rhododendrons, Pieris and other members of the Heath family can contain toxic levels of grayanotoxin (mad honey), and can cause poisoning in people who eat it. Ref: Guide to Poisonous Plants

For hundreds of years, “Lily of the Valley,” (Pieris japonica) has been written into literature as the “poisonous plant” used in countless murders!

Yes, this gorgeous plant has a shady reputation and for good reason.

LIly of the Valley shrub has over 30 different chemicals that act as “cardiac glycocides” that will take your heart for a deadly ride! Ref: https://edenmakersblog.com/?p=5595#sthash.ZC5vSGHt.dpbs

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