QNA > C > La Canfora Può Uccidere Gli Acari?

La canfora può uccidere gli acari?


There have been several studies showing that camphor oil, extracted from camphor tree, is an effective miticide. Camphor oil has 40% camphor, 22% linalool, 11% cineol and about 30 other compounds in smaller amounts. I am not sure whether the miticide property is exclusively of camphor or due to a combination of two or more of the components. Anyway, camphor oil is sure to act, but only on Demodex folliculorum and not on D. brevis species of mites.

SEE: The effect and mechanism of new natural miticide camphor oil in killing Demodex by Y. Zhao, N. Guo, R. Shi, L. Zhang.

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