QNA > I > È Meglio L'acqua Del Rubinetto O L'acqua Purificata Per Il Bambù Fortunato?

È meglio l'acqua del rubinetto o l'acqua purificata per il bambù fortunato?


In most cases, tap water will be okay, unless yours is extremely chemicalized (a very small percentage of water systems.) Allowing water to sit overnight is also of little value, since the chemicals currently used by most water treatment facilities don’t really evaporate. Letting the water sit can actually concentrate the chemicals, because the water does evaporate. If you’re worried about chemicals, there are water treatment additives you can get that are for fish aquariums.

You can gather rain water, or you might want to use bottled drinking water - not distilled water, which is not recommended for plants.

Or, if you’re into plants at all, or would be interested in learning about them, you can forget about the water, and plant the poor little thing in soil, like nature intended. Allow me to illuminate a few misconceptions for you:

  • “Lucky Bamboo” is not bamboo - it is a type of dracaena (Dracaena sanderiana,) a relative of the corn plant and Madagascar dragon tree.
  • “Lucky Bamboo” is not a water plant - it happens to be an extremely vigorous specie, and cuttings will root in just about any environment - water, soil, or just lying around on the ground - but it’s natural habitat is not a swamp or bog.
  • “Lucky Bamboo” does not need to stay in water - while it can live for quite awhile in a vase of water, many years in some cases, if you’re really interested in it’s health and keeping it as a houseplant, plant it in some soil, for goodness sake.

People in Asia have used both bamboo and dracaena species for centuries as good luck plants. La capacità della D. sanderiana di vivere come talea in spazi interni bui, più l'aspetto simile al bambù dei suoi steli, le ha dato molto fascino, e ha permesso lo sviluppo di un enorme mercato in Asia, e ora anche in Europa e in America.

Se la vostra casa è molto buia, se avete poca luce naturale, le talee di D. sanderiana vi daranno la possibilità di godere del verde vivo per un periodo di tempo, e quando la pianta inizia a cedere, è facile ed economico ottenere nuove talee. Alcune altre piante che fanno talee eccellenti per interni scuri sono pothos, filodendro e snake plant.

Tuttavia, se avete anche solo un po' di luce, o potete lasciare la luce elettrica accesa tutto il giorno, le vostre talee saranno molto più felici a lungo termine se le mettete in vaso. Use an open, free-draining mix (cactus potting soil mixed with extra perlite is good.) Keep the soil lightly damp until you see some new leaves growing at the top of the stem, after that allow the soil to get almost dry, all the way to the bottom of the pot, before you water. (Use a moisture meter or w00d dowel to check for moisture.) Grow Lucky Bamboo Inside – Tips For Care Of Lucky Bamboo Plant

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