QNA > W > Di Chi È La Colpa Degli Incendi Che Hanno Devastato L'australia?

Di chi è la colpa degli incendi che hanno devastato l'Australia?


Fumatori e campeggiatori imprudenti. Piromani (molti sono stati catturati nel corso degli anni), e la natura (fulmini) e orribile errore politiche verdi permettendo l'accumulo di carico di combustibile sul terreno, e non permettendo piccoli incendi regolari per bruciare il carico di combustibile fuori prima che diventa troppo e crea incendi molto più grandi.


Wrong question.

It’s uncommon for any specific fire to have a specific “who” to blame. A few answers here mention arsonists - yes, we have some, and clearly they are to blame for those fires. They are not at all the main cause of Australia’s bushfires though.

For example, the Black Saturday fires of 7 Feb 2009 - one of them was definitely started by an arsonist, who was charged and convicted. A couple of others were also classed as arson.

Black Saturday arsonist jailed for almost 18 years

Author Chloe Hooper wrote a great book about this case: The Arsonist

The rest tend to be lightning strikes, caused by the intense weather patterns including thunderstorms that fires generate. Yes, severe bushfires literally generate further bushfires:

How Australia’s massive bushfires are generating thunderstorms

Open data shows lightning, not arson, was the likely cause of most Victorian bushfires last summer

This is how investigators find where and how a fire started

Added to that, there are accidents, such as sparks from machinery, plus backburning and burning-off fires that got away.

Ultimately, most of those who investigate or fight fires are sure that the problem is getting worse, as the bushfires of 2019–2020 showed, and that the culprit is drying caused by climate change. There’s also a serious argument that our backburn practices are wrong, and actually help to make the situation worse - that we should look to the older practices of our Aboriginal people, who long ago made small, local fires in cooler weather.

Aggiungo un altro grande libro sugli incendi del sabato nero, scritto da un uomo che ha vissuto attraverso di loro, e ha combattuto gli incendi in quel giorno che ha ucciso un certo numero di persone nella sua città - mio fratello minore:


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