QNA > W > Come Si Chiama La Salsa Bianca Usata Nel Cibo Greco?

Come si chiama la salsa bianca usata nel cibo greco?


The white cream sauce used on a gyros is called Tzatziki sauce, (pronounced “tsah-see-key”. Emphasize the “tsah” part, likening it to saying “pizza” without the first two letters), some Americans refer to it as a cucumber sauce.

It is very easy to make, the key to a great Tzatziki sauce is to make sure that the cucumber has been salted and drained before starting being thoroughly dried and chopped into fine pieces. By doing this it ensures that the cucumber has had the water extracted before being mixed into the sauce. If you don't do this step, your sauce will become watery. After you have taken care of the cucumber, the rest of the sauce is easy. Simply mix together the Greek yogurt, lemon juice, garlic, and dill. It is always better if you let it sit for a few hours so the flavors have time to meld together.

Tzatziki Sauce:

1 medium cucumber (peeled, seeded, and cut into chunks)

1 1/2 tsp Kosher salt (for draining the cucumber)

1 1/2 C. Plain Greek yogurt

1 small Garlic clove, grated fine

4 1/2 tsp Lemon juice

1 1/2 tsp Fresh Dill, chopped

  1. Put the cucumber in a colander in the sink and sprinkle with the kosher salt. Let sit and drain at least 30 minutes. Dry thoroughly on a paper towel, then chop very finely.
  2. Combine the finely chopped cucumber with the yogurt, garlic, lemon juice, and dill. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. The sauce can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

I have seen other recipes that add 1/4 tsp of dried mustard and substitute 1/4 tsp of garlic powder for the fresh clove, and use sour cream instead of Greek yogurt but fresh is always better and with sour cream you lose the “Greek” flavor that makes it what it is to be Tzatziki sauce.


Si chiama avgolemono ( avgo+ lemoni =egg+lemon ). Consiste in succo di limone e uova imburrate insieme fino a formare un frullato. Poi si aggiunge del brodo caldo e si fa bollire per un minuto o due.

Assorbe il grasso dal cibo e dà acidità. Un po' difficile per i principianti. Usato per posta nelle zuppe che contengono proteine (carne, pollo, fegato), dolmadakia e altre ricette.


Questo piatto è costituito da foglie di cavolo ripiene di carne macinata, riso ed erbe e salsa di avgolemono.


Magiritsa, una zuppa tradizionale servita alla cena della vigilia di Pasqua.Fegato di agnello, riso, erbe e avgolemono.

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