QNA > W > Qual È Il Momento Giusto Per Aggiungere Fertilizzante A Un Fico D'india?

Qual è il momento giusto per aggiungere fertilizzante a un fico d'India?

Santana Bline

These are usually houseplants, if you mean the fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata). I’d use water-soluble fertilizer diluted 1:20 every time I watered, since the growing season is year-round for houseplants. Let the soil dry to the touch between waterings. More important than fertilizer or water to these guys, though, is humidity (between 30 and 60 percent - most households have humidity about 10 percent!) it’s probably best to invest in a humidifier, not fertilizer, if you have one of these fellows who’s faltering.

Se vivete in un clima secco, questo è particolarmente importante (potreste cavarvela con l'approccio sassolini in un piatto dove mettete la pianta nel suo piattino pieno di sassolini e acqua per aumentare l'umidità ambientale, ma dovete tenere l'acqua costantemente rabboccata, il che è un problema per la maggior parte delle persone, in più può attirare gli insetti).


felice fico a foglia di violino.


felice PITAs.

Mattland Balassi

As an interior landscaper, I’ve cared for probably hundreds of fiddle leaf figs - Ficus lyrata. Here are some of the things I learned about them -

  • Allow the soil to get to the slightly-damp to almot-dry stage between waterings, and make sure it’s that way all the way to the bottom of the pot, not just on the surface. Best way is to check moisture with a long wooden probe, or an electronic moisture meter. Marlie Graves's answer to How often should I water my houseplants?
  • As with most interior potted plants, home hobbyists tend to overfertilize. For a FLF in high indoor light (close to a south or west window, less light and they will probably struggle and lose many of their leaves) fertilizing 2 to 4 times a year is sufficient - less in lower light, more in higher light. Use a type of fertilizer made to be mixed with water, and mix it at 1/2 strength the package directions. Best fertilizer is one with a 3–1–2 formulation, with trace elements added.
  • Despite the fact that they are native to jungles, they will do fine in the temperatures and humidity of our interiors, without any special humidifying necessary. This is one of the traits of commonly used interior plants.
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