QNA > W > Cos'è Il Cardo Mariano?

Cos'è il cardo mariano?

Kiki Wirght

Milk Thistle most usually used for liver conditions, including hepatitis and cirrhosis, the herb is believed a few to save you or deal with excessive cholesterol, diabetes, heartburn, disenchanted stomach (dyspepsia), hangover, gallbladder problems, menstrual pain, depression, or even sure kinds of cancer.


Milk thistle highly efficient in detoxification of impure substances. Also, it is supportive in giving a healthy liver and healthy skin by pushing out impurities out of the body. A strong liver and healthy skin are indeed necessary! With this powerful extract, intoxicants ruining our bodily functions can be put to a full stop.

Silymarin is an antioxidant compound taken from milk thistle seeds. It’s unclear what benefits, if any, it may have in the body, but it’s sometimes used as a natural treatment for things including cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis, and gallbladder disorders.

Some claim milk thistle may also:

  • Provide heart benefits by lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Help diabetes in people who have type 2 diabetes and cirrhosis.
Roncuvita Milk Thistle for Liver Detox Antioxidant CapsulesMilk Thistle detoxifies liver and improves its health. As a cleanser, detoxifier, and regenerator, it is an effective formula to ensure long term health of your liver. When taken regularly, it also boosts the antioxidant system in the body and reduces stress levels.https://bit.ly/3jzWE6S
  • Prevent Age-Related Decline in Brain Function:- Initial test-tube and animal studies have shown that milk thistle has some promising characteristics that could make it useful for protecting brain function. However, it’s currently unclear if it has the same beneficial effects in humans.

Protect Your Bones:- In animals, milk thistle has been shown to stimulate bone mineralization. However, how it affects humans is currently unknown.

Cancer Treatment:- The active ingredients in milk thistle have been shown in animals to improve the effects of some cancer treatments. Tuttavia, gli studi sull'uomo sono limitati e non hanno ancora mostrato alcun effetto benefico.

Aumentare la produzione di latte materno :- Il cardo mariano può aumentare la produzione di latte materno nelle donne che allattano, anche se sono state fatte poche ricerche per confermare i suoi effetti.


Trattare l'acne:- Uno studio ha dimostrato che le persone che hanno assunto integratori di cardo mariano hanno sperimentato una diminuzione del numero di lesioni da acne sul loro corpo.

Abbassare lo zucchero nel sangue:- Il cardo mariano può aiutare ad abbassare i livelli di zucchero nel sangue nelle persone con diabete di tipo 2, anche se sono necessari altri studi di alta qualità.

Il cardo mariano è considerato sicuro a dosaggi di 420 mg/giorno per via orale in dosi divise per un massimo di 41 mesi. I semi di cardo mariano non si estraggono molto bene in acqua quindi non provare a fare una tazza di tè con loro! Mangia invece i semi freschi macinati, o prendi una capsula di buona qualità.

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