QNA > H > Come Inviare Contenuti A Better Homes And Gardens

Come inviare contenuti a Better Homes and Gardens

Judson Bursey

Assuming that you want to submit freelance content to Better Homes and Gardens there are two ways to approach the problem:

1. If you know someone who works at Better Home and Gardens go through them first.

2. If you don't know anyone at Better Homes and Gardens yet then try reading their Guidelines for Freelancers at Better Homes & Gardens Online

Among other things this page says:

Only about ten percent of our editorial material comes from freelance writers, artists, and photographers, the rest is produced by staff.
We read all freelance articles submitted, but much prefer to see a letter of query than a finished manuscript. The query should be directed to the department where the story line is the strongest. See appropriate editor and department below.
A freelancer's best chances lie in the areas of travel, health, parenting and education. We do not deal with political subjects or with areas not connected with the home, community, and family. We rarely use poetry, beauty, or fiction. The best way to find out what we do use, and to get some idea of our style, is to study several of our most recent issues.
We buy all rights and pay on acceptance. Rates are based on our estimate of the length, quality, and importance of the published article.
Please mail your query to the attention of an editor (listed below) at:

Read very carefully these instructions because if there is one thing that annoys editors it is freelancers who have crystal clear instructions and ignore them. You'll note, for example, that they prefer a query letter and it should be directed to the appropriate department. Fai esattamente questo.

Nello spirito di insegnare all'uomo a pescare, devo aggiungere che c'è una tecnica che ogni freelance dovrebbe conoscere: quando digiti la tua domanda direttamente su Google il primo link è le istruzioni per i freelance. Questo funziona per la maggior parte delle pubblicazioni. Quora è un sito estremamente utile, ma anche Google è abbastanza comodo.

Ricercando le linee guida di presentazione si trovano anche molti siti web che pretendono di offrire guide per una vasta gamma di pubblicazioni. Sono raramente utili e le migliori informazioni si trovano sempre sul sito della pubblicazione stessa.

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