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Chi è Gaur Gopal Prabhu?

Huxley Vanwyhe

Prabhu Gaur Gopal Das

  1. He is a monk at the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Mumbai Gopal Das, is a profoundly qualified public speaker.
  2. He was born in 1973
  3. He is an Electrical engineer- He did his engineering from the College of Engineering Pune in 1995,
  4. After completing his degree he also worked for H.P. But for short period of time after that, he decided to become life coach & monk.
  5. He joined International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Mumbai in 1996.
  6. He has been a Mentor for Many Young Minds crosswise over India and even globally
  7. Gaur Gopal Das has given numerous uplifting talks at different esteemed schools in India and abroad for as far back as two decades. He has been a coach of driving specialists and therapeutic experts comprehensively. He has guided the representatives at numerous corporate goliaths like Infosys, Barclays, Bank of America, EY, Ford, Macintosh and so forth.
  8. For his commitment in the fields of the deep sense of being and motivation, Gaur Gopal Das was delegated with the Super Achiever Award by Rotary International in 2016.
  9. He is the writer of a couple of inspirational books, for example, Revival, Conquest, and Checkmate
  10. Gaur Gopal Das – Give speeches at the Rotary Club and the Lions Club

Gaur Gopal Prabhu è un discepolo di Radhanath Swami. Si è unito a ISKCON Mumbai nel 1996 ed è un bramachari al Radha Gopinath Mandir.

Nato nel 1974, ha completato la sua laurea (BE) in elettronica presso il noto istituto Goverment college of Engineering (COEP) di Pune nel 1995.

Ha lavorato per HP per un breve periodo e poi ha deciso di essere un life coach e monaco.


(Immagine da internet, per gentile concessione di Google).

È molto popolare tra i dotti devoti del Signore Krishna, specialmente tra gli ingegneri del software in India e nel Regno Unito.

È lo scrittore di un paio di libri ispiratori come Revival, Conquest e Checkmate. Gaur Gopal Das è stato insignito del Super Achiever Award dal Rotary International nel 2016.

Modifica 1: Oltre alla Gita e ai Purana, conosce i social media e altri progressi della tecnologia. Durante i suoi discorsi, grazie alla sua natura umoristica, mette in relazione gli insegnamenti dei Veda con la psicologia della giovane generazione molto bene.

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