QNA > H > Come Costruire Un Acquario Con L'erba Dei Capelli E Il Muschio Da Zero

Come costruire un acquario con l'erba dei capelli e il muschio da zero

Hilario Riola

Semplice risposta a questa domanda è trovare piante che hanno radici dirette, intendo dire che Avaoid che sono attaccate a qualcosa come SEMI o verdure sotterranee come carote, aglio, zenzero ecc.


Perché le verdure sotterranee in acqua iniziano a marcire e inquinano l'acqua.

Mentre si usa qualsiasi pianta da giardino si dovrebbe sempre immergere solo le radici in acqua, non le foglie o il gambo. Se lasciate la foglia, inizierà a marcire o forse i vostri pesci inizieranno a mangiare le foglie e a seconda della pianta può essere velenosa per i vostri pesci, potrebbe farli ammalare o peggio.

Se notate che i vostri pesci cominciano a mangiare le radici, potete metterla in una protezione fai-da-te o potete costruirla o nasconderla dietro qualcosa come pietre, ecc.

Piante che potete usare in un acquario.

Erba sempreverde cinese (Aglaonemas)

Dumbcane (Dieffenbachia)

Edera inglese.


Moses-in-a-cradle (Rhoeo)


Wax plant.


Lucky Bamboo.


As you can see in the above image this is one of my first pounds at my home I have used several plants and they have grown beautifully.

Questions like this get answered at AQuaPond's Space

Cestar Ferderber

This is actually a good idea and i had a similar tank and i only had moss in it.

So before you begin to get into aquascaping be ready to for some challenges.

As for the moss, there are many types you will find

  • Christmas Moss

It's the most beautiful one and i had it for almost a year and gave it to a friend.

Caring for Christmas moss is not difficult as you just need

  • Better light source - so that you get the best shape
  • Carbon dioxide emitter - you can use the DIY method by using sugar water with east in it. Check it out on google
  • It doesn't need any fertilizers
  • Clean water

Java moss


It is easier to take care of and really doesn't need anything other than good light and water.

These are the two most popular moss and make sure you buy any among these two because there are moss that grow on land and are not suitable in aquarium.

Hair grass


Compared to the moss, hair grass is totally different and has special needs.

  • Manure
  • Sand or some substrate so that it can hold itself but it should be light in weight
  • Liquid Fertilizers
  • Good light
  • Clean Water
  • Carbon dioxide emitter

Submersible filter is a must so that there water circulation in each and every corner of your aquatic tank.

After all these you just have to relax and enjoy the beauty and give it time for growth and later start trimming it as you want.

Happy Aquascaping

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