QNA > C > Puoi Fare Il Tuo Spray Al Peperoncino Mescolando La Polvere Di Peperoncino In Un Solvente (Per Esempio Acqua) E Usando Una Bottiglia Spray Vuota (Vedi I Commenti Per Le Bottiglie Spray Da Ebay)?

Puoi fare il tuo spray al peperoncino mescolando la polvere di peperoncino in un solvente (per esempio acqua) e usando una bottiglia spray vuota (vedi i commenti per le bottiglie spray da ebay)?


What you would have would not resemble commercial pepper spray. It might sting if it got in someone's eyes, but so would a solution of black pepper and water.

The active ingredient in pepper spray is capsaicin, the oil contained in peppers that makes them hot. Different types of peppers contain varying amounts of capsaicin. The biggest vendor of capsaicin to the pepper spray industry is McCormick-Schilling, the same people who produce the cinnamon and vanilla you use in your kitchen.

The closest thing to pepper spray in your kitchen, other than fresh peppers themselves, is cayenne pepper. The smell and color are almost identical. Still cayenne pepper in water won't make very effective pepper spray.

One of the trickiest parts of producing pepper spray is to get it finely atomized and diluted in a liquid that is easily sprayed. Capsaicin is an oil, and doesn't readily dissolve in water. Most vendors use a mix of alcohol and water. You have to be careful about the alcohol content, as you don't want the spray to be flammable. In the 1980s, when pepper spray was a fairly new thing, NYPD had an epic incident where a mentally disturbed person was first sprayed with an early version of pepper spray that used pure alcohol as the carrier solvent. They apparently really hosed him with the stuff, to the point that his clothes were wet from the spray. When the person still wasn't compliant enough to approach safely, they hit him with a TASER. The alcohol ignited and burned him, though not fatally. Not the outcome they had in mind.

You probably don't want to try and make your own pepper spray. Even if you were able to get hold of some pure capsaicin oil (also called oleoresin capsicum), it's difficult to handle. Get it just about anywhere outside the container, and you're going to make the room or building uninhabitable. It's not especially expensive stuff. You're better off buying it.


Wster non è un buon solvente per i peperoncini. Devi usare l'alcol per ottenere l'estratto. Si può poi filtrare l'alcol per ottenere il distillato. Questo si può usare in una bottiglia spray. Cerca su youtube come fare uno spray al peperoncino corretto.

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