QNA > D > Il Girasole Ha Bisogno Di Molta Acqua Per Crescere?

Il girasole ha bisogno di molta acqua per crescere?

O'Donovan Kluth
  • Water- Although sunflowers require a lot of water to germinate, they only require an inch of water per week during the growing season. Use a watering nozzle to easily water once a week until the top 6 inches of soil is moist.
  • Fertilize- If you prepared your soil with compost and/or manure, you shouldn’t need extra fertilization during the growing season. If you feel your plants require better nutrition, you can work a balanced, slow-acting granular fertilizer into the soil surrounding your sunflowers. Sunflower fertilizers are available in a few garden centers, but a basic fertilizer is really all you need.
  • Control Weeds- One of the greatest sunflower challenges is weed control. Weeds compete with sunflowers for moisture and nutrition.
  • Unless you want to till, hoe, or pull weeds by hand, you’ll want to put down a generous layer of mulch to fight weeds.
  • Add up to a 4-inch layer of organic mulch to your sunflower garden. Leave an area of bare soil around each sunflower stalk to help deter pests and disease.
  • Manage Pests and Disease- Although many pests love sunflower plants, the damage is usually minimal. In most cases, insecticides are not necessary unless damage is severe.
  • Most sunflowers rely heavily on insect pollinators, so care should be taken to limit any use of insecticides during pollination.
  • Some pests you may encounter are sunflower moths, cutworms, weevils, caterpillars, grasshoppers, wireworms and the sunflower maggot.
  • Disease is a big risk, but it mostly affects farm crops. New varieties of sunflowers have resistance to many diseases.
  • Once disease occurs, the only option is to remove and destroy the affected plants.
  • Verticillium wilt, sclerotinia rot, rust and downy mildew may occur. Your best prevention is proper plant spacing in well-draining soil.
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