QNA > W > Quale Fertilizzante Devo Usare Per Le Piante In Vaso?

Quale fertilizzante devo usare per le piante in vaso?

Sande Ruiloba

For flower plants in pots the rules are:

  1. Have tall big pots (minimum 1.5 feet height and 1.5 feet diameter (this is to keep the plant healthy for a long time)
  2. Fill the pot with soil which is from a deep pit (pick up soil from when pits are dug for foundation, etc.). The soil 4–5 feet below the earth would almost be dark red in colour. Mix 2–3 other soil types again from different pits from different areas. (this is where the success lies)
  3. The soil should be like soft - if hand-full of soil is held with the fist closed tight then the soil would form like a ball, but when that ball is touched, it again breaks down to powder form - such consistency of soil is good.
  4. Fill the pot 1/3 with soil (taken from a deep pit) and fill one layer of semi-decomposed plant matter, decomposing fruit peals, etc. Then on top of that fill a layer of Earth worm soil (black in colour) and add 3–4 Earth worms. Fill the rest of the pot, again with the deep pit soil.
  5. Take the plant bought from nursery (usually in small plastic bags) - cut the plastic bag with sharp blade on 3 or 4 sides and slowly remove the plastic and insert the plant (before that make a pit like cavity in the plant pot to insert the plant along with the soil /mud) with the roots covered with mud /soil etc. without disturbing the soil in which it was grown in the first place
  6. Sprinkle water in the edges of the pot and not in the center. This was the roots will spread towards the whole pot (new)
  7. Water the plant (spray) daily twice early in the morning and late evening for a week. Then water only once a day for a week
  8. After 15 days Don’t water the plant every day - once in 2 or 3 days depending on the soil condition is good enough.
  9. Once in 15 days put - 1 tsp of Vermi-wash liquid - well diluted. The fallen leaves of the plant should be put back in the pot itself - let it dry or decompose and become part of the soil itself in the pot.
  10. Place the pot in such a way that there is sun light on plant for 3–4 hours (not more not less)
  11. Don’t prune the plant, don’t cut the flowers for one full season - honey bees, wasps, butterflies, etc. would visit the flowers - let them come and have feast. Keep the Cats away from the flower pots (this will reduce the number of thorns)

The above methods would produce rich-strong fragrant flowers from the second season onwards. Beyond this point you won’t even feel like cutting the flowers !. (and rightfully don’t cut the flowers and don’t disturb the plant - it may even grow big !)

Based on the above practical methods - I got many flowers for even Aloe Vera and many seeds I collected, in addition to huge leaves full of pulp.

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